Section: Software

RID: Rich Intrinsic Decomposer

Participants : Pierre-Yves Laffont, Adrien Bousseau, George Drettakis.

We developed a software platform to perform rich intrinsic decomposition methods from photographs of outdoor scenes, as described in [21] and in an article currently submitted for publication. It includes main scripts and functions in Matlab for treatment of the input data, interfaces to software for multi-view reconstruction (Bundler, PMVS) and meshing from point clouds (method developed by Julie Digne, a postdoc in the Geometrica team). We then interface software for image matting using the Matting Laplacian, and User-Assisted Intrinsic Images. The system also includes an interface with Adobe Photoshop, for visualization and demonstration of our results in end-user image editing software. The method performs the computation of sun, sky and indirect lighting received at 3D points of an automatically reconstructed scene, using a modified version of the PBRT stochastic raytracer. Finally, there is a scene calibration module and an OpenGL viewer.